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Carr Primary School and Pre-School, Lisburn
Carr Primary School and Pre-School, Lisburn

Linking Eco-Schools to Curriculum Learning

6th Mar 2024

At Carr Primary we attempt to link our eco-school programme to our curriculum as much as possible.


KS2 Studying pattern found in nature closely the children drew comparisons to the work of William Morris.  The children collected pieces of nature studying shape and pattern and used them when creating their own patterns.

Whilst investigating the topic of flight KS2 collected feathers from the playground and local area.  We learnt about feather varieties, birds that may have lost these feathers and the reasons for different shapes and textures.  The children then used their sketch pads to draw different varieties.


FS  Water Topic

KS1 Enriched Curriculum - Planting and Growing 

KS2 Whilst investigating the topic of flight KS2 charted birds journey of migration, plotted their journeys on maps and researched the reasons and dangers of migration.