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Carr Primary School and Pre-School, Lisburn
Carr Primary School and Pre-School, Lisburn

Primary 7

Spring Term:

Language and Literacy

Your child will complete the following areas of Language and Literacy at their individual level:


- Developing skills of Literal, Inferential and Summarising using shared, guided and independent texts

- Novel: Stormbreaker

- Guided Reading texts including a range of fiction and non-fiction texts

- Accelerated Reader: Home Reading and Class Quizzing


- Grammar and Punctuation: apostrophes for possessions, connectives, speech marks

- Spelling: Common words, Homophones/near homophones, age, ph, al, ance, ment, ive, ous, ate, ei, ary, tion, ch

- Writing Genres: Biographical writing based on Harriet Tubman, autobiographical writing and Science Fiction writing

Talking and Listening

- Opportunities for discussion during all class sessions, including providing opinions and justifying them with evidence

- Drama: Easter Assembly

Mathematics and Numeracy

Your child will access the following areas of Maths at their own individual level:

Shape and Space

- Estimate measure, draw and label angles up to 360 degrees

- Use a protractor

- Describe properties of regular and irregular “d shapes in terms of sides, angles, symmetry and tessellation

- Use drawing software and a programmable language such as LOGO to construct 2D shapes.

Measures (length)

- Understand and use scale in the context of simple maps and drawings

- Appreciate the concept of scale to represent distances/lengths.

Measure (time)

- Understand and use the terms – decade, century and millennium

- Calculate durations of time

- Discuss different times in other countries

Sequences and Patterns

- Examine patterns and sequences in number to predict missing and subsequent terms

- Explore patterns and number sequences through spatial investigations

- Follow sets of instructions to generate number sequences

Problem solving

- number problems involving the RUCSAC method

- Money problems

- Number problems with decimals

- Roman numerals

- Data handling


The World Around Us

The World Around Us topic for the Spring Term is ‘Birds and Flight’.

During this topic we will be

- Investigating birds and migration and creating a game to highlight the dangers of migration

- Take part in the RSPB bird watch

- Researching birds of prey and creating a top trumps game

- Learn about flight in relation to plants

- Carrying out science experiments related to flight with paper aeroplanes, helicopters, parachutes, kites and rockets

- Exploring the different types of forces and the effect these have

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding

Through the LLT topic ‘Thinking and Feeling’, we will be learning about:

- Self awareness

- Being fit for the future

- Understanding of the local and wider community


‘Bee Safe’ programme which is an interactive learning experience to inform pupils how to stay safe and make the right decisions. Topics include internet safety, water safety, fire safety, road safety, farm safety, home safety and mental health safety and well-being.

Using ICT

We will be learning about:

- Scratch programming

- Making a website

The Arts


Listening to and reflecting on orchestral music. Inventing their own musical motifs and structuring them into a piece of music. Performing as an ensemble and learning musical language.

Learning a musical instrument e.g. recorder, ukulele

Learning Easter songs for our Easter assembly.

Art and Design:

Using a variety of skills and media to create printed wallpapers, clay tiles, detailed sketches and models based on our unit Flight and linked to wildlife.


Preparation for the Easter Assembly

Physical Education

Hockey and Badminton: developing hitting and receiving skills, body movement and fine/gross motor control through small sided Hockey and Badminton games

Gymnastics and dance: lessons taught by Healthy Kidz

Religious Education

Religion Education is provided via the Bible Time stories and activity booklets.


Summer Term:

Language and Literacy

Your child will complete the following areas of Language and Literacy at their individual level:


- Developing a range of strategies to read with independence.

- Find, select and use information from a variety of sources

- Novel: Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson

- Guided Reading texts including a range of fiction and non-fiction texts for information, ideas and enjoyment

- Accelerated Reader: Home Reading and Class Quizzing


- Grammar and Punctuation: colons, semi-colons, commas, brackets, direct and indirect speech

- Spelling: Common words, ch, ence, ible, sion, ious, able

- Writing Genres: discursive writing, records of achievement

Talking and Listening

- Opportunities for discussions, explanations, role-plays and presentations; communicate information using an expanded vocabulary; structure talks

- Drama: Leavers’ Service

Mathematics and Numeracy

Your child will access the following areas of Maths at their own individual level:

Number: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division

- Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers using a range of mental, written and calculator methods.

- Use the four operations to solve more complex word problems and puzzles involving numbers and measures, explaining methods and reasoning.

- Appreciate and use the relationship between the four operations

- Appreciate the use of brackets

- Revise all number facts and improve mental recall


- Talk about the continuous nature of length/weight/capacity

- Be aware of imperial units of length/weight/capacity still used in everyday life, e.g., miles, yard, feet, inches, stone, pounds, pints and gallons

- Use the four operations to solve problems related to measure

- Solve problems and carry out investigations relating to length/weight/capacity/volume using mental, pencil and paper or calculator methods.

Handling data (probability)

- Place events in order of likelihood

- Use the language of probability to predict the outcome of simple experiments and test the results.

Handling data

- Construct, label and interpret a range of graphs

- Draw and label line graphs, paying particular attention to the numbering and scaling of the axes.

-Discuss and interpret results

- Discuss the type of data that can be represented on a line graph

The World Around Us

The World Around Us topic for the Summer Term is ‘What a Wonderful World’.

During this topic we will be

- investigate how living things rely on each other within the natural world

- causes that affect the movement of people and animals

- how human activities affect habitats and ecosystems

- how place influences the nature of life

- how change is a feature of the human and natural world and may have consequences for our lives and the word around us.

- investigate food chains, weather, climate, biomes, pollution


Personal Development and Mutual Understanding

Through the LLT topic ‘Moving on’, we will be learning about:

- Health, growth and change

- Keeping safe

- Relationships with family, friends and at school

- Moving on to our next school


Pupils will take part in the ‘Cycle Proficiency’ scheme and the ‘Jass Award’.

Using ICT

We will be learning about:

- Digital storytelling film and animation


The Arts


Listening about digital audio, listening for the elements of music, and performing using digital instruments.

Learning songs for our Leavers’ Assembly

Art and Design:

Learning about and creating digital art.

Learning about and creating art based on South and Central America.

Upcycling old clothes and fashion


Preparation for the Leavers’ Assembly


Physical Education

Swimming: develop basic swimming and personal survival skills 

Athletics: running, jumping, throwing, preparation for sports day

Games:  mini games including netball/basketball, rounders

Religious Education

Religion Education is provided via the Bible Time stories and activity booklets