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Carr Primary School and Pre-School, Lisburn
Carr Primary School and Pre-School, Lisburn

Primary 3/4

Autumn Term:

Numeracy Topics

*Place Value – exploring numbers up to 50 (P3)/ up to 100 (P4)                

*Addition and Subtraction – understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction, developing knowledge of addition and subtraction facts, writing addition sums vertically (P4)

*Money- Develop understanding up to 20p (P3)/ up to £1 (P4)

*Measures (Time) – Days of the week (P3), telling the time on the analogue clock and digital clock (P3/4), calculating time durations (P4)

*Measures (Length) – measuring length in using non-standard and standard units of measurements i.e., metres/centimetres

*Shape – 2D Shapes

*Shape (Angle)- Right angles


Literacy Topics



  • Participate in modelled, shared, guided and independent writing, including composing on a screen
  • Talk about and plan what they are going to write 
  • Investigate and experiment with rhyme and rhythm
  • Begin to check their work in relation to specific criteria
  • Write for a variety of purposes and audiences

Grammar and Punctuation

  • Nouns
  • Verbs
  • Adjectives
  • Question Marks
  • Capital letters


  • Guided reading groups in class and home reading book
  • AR reading books (P4)
  • Independent reading at home and in school (P4)


World Around Us

Our topic this term is "Things that move."



Focus : Friendships and The Real Me

Specific weeks: Friendship Week and Anti-Bullying Week


The Arts

Art and Design

  • Digital Art and Design - Arcimboldo's Faces, Feelings Filters and Pop Art Collages


  • Travel


  • Linked to Friendship Week
  • Christmas Show


Physical Education

Games - Throwing and Catching

  • Practice and develop the skills of handling, hitting and kicking through a range of activities and using equipment
  • Devleop the skills relevant to games, including running, stopping, jumping and skipping
  • Make use of space to outwit an opponent
  • Take part in simple games (involving individual and co-operative play)


  • Explore a range of movement skills including travelling, jumping and landing, rolling, climbing, transferring weight, balancing
  • Explore, practice and improve body management skills
  • Form simple sequences by linking movements
  • Progress from working individually to working in pairs
  • Evaluate their movements and those of others

Spring Term

Numeracy Topics

  • Place Value – exploring numbers up to 100 (P3)/ up to 1000 (P4)                
  • Addition and Subtraction – understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction, developing knowledge of addition and subtraction facts, writing addition sums vertically – working on formal recording (P4)
  • Money- Develop understanding up to 50p (P3)/ up to £1 (P4)
  • Measures (Time) – telling the time on the analogue clock and digital clock (P3/4), calculating time durations (P4) calendar (P4)
  • Measures (Length) – measuring length in using non-standard and standard units of measurements i.e., metres/centimetres
  • Shape- 3D Shapes
  • Shape (Angle)- Turns, four compass directions, movement and position
  • Handling Data (Graphs)- Representing data on block graphs and pictograms, and interpret results.


Literacy Topics


Persuasive Writing

  • Understand the features of persuasive writing
  • Recognise that there may be other points of view. 
  • Use bargaining to persuade. 
  • Group facts and opinions

Class Novel:

Ancient Egypt (Non-fiction) and Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures

Grammar and Punctuation

  • Use of powerful verbs
  • Full stops and exclamation marks
  • Speech marks
  • Plurals- adding ‘s’ and ‘es’
  • Connectives
  • Prepositions

Phonics and Spelling

  • Continuing with Levels 3 - 5 Twinkl Phonics scheme
  • Complete Spelling Programme: ot, plural, op, og, ob (P3)
  • Complete Spelling Programme: rhyme patterns, plurals, ell (st 3), ill, ull, ass, ess  (P4)


  • AR reading books (P4)
  • Group reading in class
  • Independent reading at home and in school (P4)


World Around Us

Our topic this term is "Ancient Egypt."



Focus : Difficult Feelings & Stranger danger/Internet Safety

Strategies and skills for self awareness     

  • Beginning to recognise, name and manage their own feelings and emotions and that they are a natural, important and healthy part of a human being
  • Beginning to recognise and manage the effects of strong feelings such as anger, sadness or loss
  • Knowing what to do or from whom to seek help when feeling unsafe
  • Knowing about potential dangers and threats in the home and environment
  • Developing simple safety rules and strategies to protect themselves from potentially dangerous situations                                  

The Arts

Art and Design

The children will

  • Learn about textile artist Gunta Stolzl and the decorative art of Gustav Klimt
  • Learn about textiles technique and weaving


Music Express: Ancient Worlds

Performance: the children will celebrate the achievements of the 'Amazing Egyptians' and explore 20th century minimalist music inspired by the age of Akhenaten. The will arrange and perform a layered pyramid structure.


The children will:

  • Explore a range of cultural and human issues in a safe environment by participating in dramatic activity and sharing ideas with others
  • Develop a range of drama strategies including freeze frame, tableau and hot seating

Physical Education



  • explore a range of movement skills, including travelling, jumping and landing, rolling, climbing,  transferring weight, balancing
  • improve body management skills form simple sequences

Daily Mile