Access Keys:

Carr Primary School and Pre-School, Lisburn
Carr Primary School and Pre-School, Lisburn

Admissions Criteria for September 2025

Admissions Criteria for Primary 1 - September 2025

Priority will be given to children resident in Northern Ireland at the time of their proposed admission to the school before those who are not so resident.

If the school is over-subscribed, pupils will be admitted according to the following criteria, applied to children of compulsory school age in the order set down.

1. Children who, at the date of their application, have a child of the family* currently enrolled at the school.

2. Children who, at the date of their application, are the eldest child of the family* to be eligible to apply for admission to the school.                                                                                                                                  If this criteria is to be used, the Board of Governors may request a letter from a member of clergy, solicitor or public servant such as a Health or Education professional directly involved with the family.

3. Children who currently attend Carr Pre School.

4. Children for whom Carr Primary School is the nearest suitable controlled Primary School to the child’s normal place of residence. This will be measured using Google Maps.                                                                            If this criteria is to be used, the Board of Governors will request further documents to verify the address at which a child is resident.

5. In the event of a tie break situation:

(i) Where this is not sufficient, selection for all remaining places will be on the basis of the initial letter of the surname as per the birth certificate, in the order set out below:

O  L  M  U  S  D  I  V  T  R  W  X  E  C  P  N  Y  F  A  Q  J  K  B  G  H  Z

The order has been determined by random selection of letters of the alphabet.  In the event of surnames beginning with the same letter, the subsequent letters of the surname will be used in alphabetical order.  In the event of two identical surnames the alphabetical order of the initials of the forenames as per the birth certificate will be used.

(ii) Children will be admitted by age (eldest to youngest, in years and months) as per the date of birth on the Birth Certificate.